Juhainah, the Figure Who Makes All the Inhabitants of Hell Cry

Juhainah, Angel in Hell
Juhainah, Angel in Hell (Freepik.com - Almuhtada.org)

Almuhtada.org – When the angle called Juhainah, all the people that are in hell cried. Juhainah is the last person out of the hell and the last person going to heaven.

All of the people in hell will cry, because Juhainah had been called to go in the heaven and one of the last people to go in the heaven, and also a sign that the rest of the people in the hell will be there forever.

There is no hope from the inhabitants of hell after Juhainah had been called. The story of Juhainah had been explained in the hadith which is quoted from the Book of An-Nihayah fi al-Fitan wa al-Malahim by Ibn Kathir.

Ad-Daruquthni narrated in his book, “The narrators of Malik and al-Khathib al-Baghdadi from Abdul Malik bin Hakam, Malik told us from Nafi’, from Ibn Umar that Rasulullah SAW said:

“Indeed, that the last person will go to heaven is a man from Juhainah tribe is Juhainah” The inhabitant of heaven then said, “Juhainah has news that is certain. Ask him, if there is some leftover from the creatures?’

However, the narration is said to be invalidly attributed to Imam Malik, because it is unknown from the narrators. Likewise, as-Suhaili mentioned in the hadith in his book and did not consider it weak.

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In fact, another opinion, that has mentioned by as-Suhaili, that the last person that will go out from the hell is Hanad.

The story from a narrator said that the inhabitant of hell will cry, because Juhainah had been called to go in the heaven and one of the last people to go in the heaven, and also a sign that the rest of the people in the hell will be there forever, and there is no hope that they will be move to heaven.

Imam Syamsuddin Al-Qurthubi in the book of At-Tadzkirah volume 2 has explained that the last people in hell as well as the last people will go to heaven.

In the opinion of the hadith narrated by Muslim, From Abdullah bin Mas’ud RA, he said Rasulullah SAW said:

“Indeed, I know the inhabitant of hell that will the last one exited from there, and the habitant of hell that will the last one entered heaven is a man who came out of hell crawling. And Allah SWT, “Go, and enter the heaven”

The person then went to the heaven, but he imagined that the heaven is full. Then he said, “Oh God, I find that the heaven is full.”

Then (once again) Allah SWT said: “Go, and enter the heaven. Indeed, you will get ten times better than the world.”

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Then, he said: “Are you teasing me?” Or “Are you laughing at me, even though you are the king?”

Abdullah bin Mas’ud RA added then said: “I indeed saw Rasulullah SAW laughing until his teeth are seen, then said:

“About that person it says, “That is the lowest of the people of heaven.'” (Muslim)

That the story of Juhainah, a person that made the inhabitant of hell cry who had been called by the angle. Because, he will be the last person that will exit the hell and there is no habitant that will be exited after him. [] Fahdina Dean Yustisia

Editor: Mohammad Rizal Ardiansyah

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