Knowing Dukhan as a Sign of the End of the World, This is the Proof

(freepikcom - – There are several signs of the end of the world that are narrated from the hadith as well as from the Qur’an. One of the signs of the end of the world is the appearance of dukhan.

Dukhan or ad-Dukhan is mentioned in a hadith narrated by Imam Thabrani that the Prophet SAW explained that dukhan will come along with the danger of Dabbah (a kind of slithering animal that comes out of the earth and preys on humans and Dajjal). These signs are some of the major signs of the Day of Judgment.

This is in accordance with the words of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, “Indeed your Rabb has warned you with three things. (First) Smoke that will cause the believer like a fever and to the disbeliever so that he blisters (breaks) and smoke comes out of each ear, the second is an animal, the third is Dajjal.” (HR Thabrani)

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Abu Fatiah al-Adnani says in the book Fitnah & Doom of the End Times: Seconds to the Day of Destruction of the Universe that the hadith has a jayyid sanad or raises doubts between saheeh and hasan. It is also explained in the verse of the Qur’an in surah Ad Dukhan verses 10-11, which is,

فَارْتَقِبْ يَوْمَ تَأْتِى السَّمَاۤءُ بِدُخَانٍ مُّبِيْنٍ

يَغْشَى النَّاسَۗ هٰذَا عَذَابٌ اَلِيْم

“So, wait for the day (when) the sky brings a clear smoke (that) covers the people (of disobedience). This is a very painful punishment.”

Quoted from the Ministry of Religion’s Quranic Interpretation that in this verse Allah SWT ordered the Prophet Muhammad SAW to be patient waiting for the Makkah disbelievers to starve. At the same time, if they look up, they will see in the sky a thick fog filling the sky.

According to scientific research and studies of events, the appearance of dukhan on the Day of Judgment will likely begin with a violent collision between the earth and the objects of the sky (planets or other space items). This collision is expected to cause chaos in the solar system and the scattering of earth materials and celestial bodies in very, very large quantities.

The material that is scattered into space is thought to be a very large cloud of dust or dukhan. This dust cloud is likely to envelop the earth’s atmosphere so that sunlight can no longer penetrate to the earth’s surface, the temperature will drop dramatically, there will be the death of all living things just like the theory of dinosaur extinction millions of years ago.

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According to the book Encyclopedia of Islam, Examining the Nature of Nur to the Haze of Signs of the End Times by Hafidz Muftisany, Al Qurthubi in his interpretation combines two opinions from Ibn Mas’ud and Ibn Abbas. According to Al Qurtubi, the smoke from this dukhan may have appeared in two periods.

The first period was when the Prophet Muhammad SAW had been sent down to punish the disbelievers of Quraysh. While the second period is a great sign of the coming of the End of the World, which can be in the form of a meteor strike on earth that causes smoke. Wallahua’lam. [Fahdina Dean]

Editor: Syukron Ma’mun

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