Definition of Taqlid and its Practice in Islam, Understand the Law and its Impacts

Ilustrasi Taqlid dan Amalannya ( - – One method of understanding the teachings in Islam is through learning from scholars who have a deep understanding of them. However, in the process of learning and practicing the teachings of Islam, it is important for a Muslim not to just follow without thought, which is often referred to as taqlid.

This is because overdoing taqlid can inhibit a Muslim’s ability to think, which then makes him too dependent on the views and fatwas of the scholars he follows. This is not to say that following the advice and guidance of scholars or fiqh experts is a negative action. Especially for those who do not have a deep understanding of religion, taqlid to scholars is an important step.

However, its importance is in understanding that as Muslims, we also have a responsibility to make sure that the views given by the scholars we follow are always based on the Qur’an and As-Sunnah. As such, following the ulama should be informed by an understanding of the proofs and sources of law. Creating this balance is very important, because following scholars without an understanding of the sources of law can lead to blind taqlid, which is considered an attitude that is discouraged in Islam.

So what is taqlid? see the full explanation below.

Understanding the Meaning of Taqlid

Following the guidance of scholars who have a deeper understanding of Islamic religious knowledge is certainly important, but for a Muslim it is not too much to do taqlid. Taqlid is an attitude or action in which a person follows or accepts the opinions, orders or actions of others without having a proper understanding or knowledge of the legal basis or arguments on which those opinions or orders are based.

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The word “taqlid” comes from Arabic and has various meanings, including “adorn,” “imitate,” “submit,” “follow,” and so on. In the context of Islamic law, taqlid refers to the act of following the opinion of a faqih (Islamic jurist) or imam without having enough knowledge of the evidence or legal sources underlying it.

Quoted from the article “The Influence of Taqlid in Islamic Education” (ITQAN, Vol. 11, No.2, Jul-Dec 2020), in terms, taqlid is following the opinion of a faqih, or an imam, without knowing the arguments or sources of law. The definition of taqlid according to scholars includes the following:

  1. According to Imam al-Gazali, taqlid is accepting words without hujjah (proof / source of law).
    2. Al-Isnawi, in his book Nihayah al-Ushul, defines taqlid as taking the words of others without proof.
    3. Tajuddin al-Subki, in his book Jam’ul Jawami defines taqlid as taking a saying without knowing the evidence.
    4. According to Ibn al-Hummam, taqlid is acting on the opinion of someone whose opinion is not a proof, without knowing the proof.

Therefore, taqlid is an attitude in which a person takes action or follows the opinions of others without understanding or evaluating the legal basis or evidence behind it. This action can cover various aspects of daily life, including in the context of laws, beliefs, or religious practices. In Islam, taqlid often relates to following the views of scholars or jurists in legal and religious matters.

The Law of Doing Taqlid in Islamic View

The law of taqlid in the view of Islam relates to the act of following opinions, fatwas, or laws given by scholars or mujtahids without having enough knowledge or understanding of the basis of the law or the arguments behind it. Depending on how the taqlid behavior is carried out, taqlid can be ruled haram, wajib, and mubah.

  1. Taqlid that is Haram

Taqlid can become haram in certain situations. One of them is when a person has reached the level of an absolute mujtahid, which is someone who has the ability to do independent ijtihad and explore the laws of Sharia on his own from primary sources, such as the Qur’an and Hadith. For absolute mujtahids, taqlid to other mujtahids becomes forbidden because they have reached the highest level of religious knowledge.

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Moreover, taqlid becomes forbidden if it is done by a layperson to someone other than a mujtahid, especially if that person does not have proper knowledge in religion. Taqlid also becomes forbidden if one does taqlid to someone who is considered misguided in Islam. In this case, it is important to ensure that the source of taqlid is someone who has an understanding and belief that is in accordance with the correct teachings of Islam.

  1. Taqlid that becomes obligatory

Taqlid becomes obligatory in situations where a person is a layperson who does not have deep religious knowledge and is not qualified to perform ijtihad (legal analysis on his own). In this case, the layperson must do taqlid to a mujtahid who has competent religious understanding.

  1. Taqlid whose Law is Permissible

Permissible taqlid is taqlid that is allowed but not required. It applies to a mujtahid who does not reach the level of an absolute mujtahid, who has the ability to do ijtihad but the result of his ijtihad is not considered a law that applies to everyone.

In practice, taqlid can be a useful method for those who do not have a sufficiently deep understanding of religion, but it is important to ensure that taqlid does not become blind taqlid. This means that even in taqlid, one must have a basic knowledge of the propositions and sources of Islamic religious law, and must make an effort to understand the legal basis of the opinion being followed. Learning religion from the primary sources, such as the Qur’an and Sunnah, is an obligation for every Muslim, and taqlid should be used as an aid to understanding and applying the true teachings of Islam.

Understanding Blind Taqlid and its Impacts

In the present context, the term blind taqlid has appeared, which refers to the act of following without proper knowledge or understanding of the arguments or sources of law, namely the Qur’an and Sunnah. Taqlid is considered to have a bad impact on the practice of worship in Islam. Here are some of the dangers of blind taqlid in Islam:

  1. Loss of Independence of Thought

One of the main dangers of blind taqlid is that it can inhibit an individual’s independence of thought. When a person simply follows without understanding the legal basis or arguments on which a religious opinion or commandment is based, they become exposed to external influences and are unable to think critically or perform ijtihad (legal analysis on their own).

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  1. Inability to Understand Context

Blind taqlid often leads to a superficial understanding of religious teachings. People who are blindly taqlid tend not to understand the true context of religious laws or commandments, so they may take wrong or extreme actions.

  1. Inability to Accept Criticism

Individuals who practice blind taqlid tend not to be open to criticism or alternative views. They can feel threatened by criticism and may consider it as an act of disobedience or even disbelief of dissenters.

  1. Religious Intolerance

Blind taqlid can lead to religious intolerance. People who are blindly taqlid tend to feel that their opinions or views are the only correct ones, and they may consider others who hold different views as heretical or infidels.

  1. Failure to Keep Up with Progress and Development

Blind taqlid can make a person less able to keep up with the times and understand how Islam can adapt to social, cultural and technological changes. This can result in a static understanding of religion that is less relevant to the changing times.

In Islam, it is important to understand religious teachings correctly, based on primary sources such as the Qur’an and Sunnah, as well as to think critically and have a deep understanding of religious principles. Although taqlid in some situations is acceptable, blind taqlid should be avoided, and every Muslim is encouraged to actively learn and understand their religion so as not to fall into the dangers caused by blind taqlid. [] Fahdina Dean Y.

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