– Maybe we often ask why we can’t see Allah? Why Allah is invisible? Why can’t God be reached by our five senses? And so on.
This question does not matter to people who believe in the existence of Allah SWT, but it’s better if every Muslim people knows why Allah SWT cannot be seen by our five senses.
In the pillars of faith, we must believe that there is Allah. Then there’s a question, “And then why we must believe in Allah, meanwhile we can’t see Allah?” Actually, there’s no creatures that cannot see Allah, even the prophets.
The shape of Allah is not made out of light, not air, not water, not woman or man, not genie, not an angle, not a human, and also not an illustration that is like in the animation or a movie. Even the shape of Allah cannot imagine of the shape, because the sense of human will not be able to understand it.
Like as narrated in the Al-Qur’an surah Al-A’raf verse 143, which means “And when Musa came to commune with Us at the time We had decided, and God had spoken to him directly, he said: “O my Lord, appear to me so that I may see You”.
God said: “You will not be able to see Me, but look at the hill, and if it remains in its place (as before) you will surely see Me”. When God showed himself on the mountain, the mountain explodes, and Musa fainted.
Then after Musa regain consciousness, he said: “‘Most Holy are You; I repent to You and I am the first to believe”.
From the verse above we can conclude that when prophet Musa wants to see Allah, there is not one mountain that is not destroyed when Allah SWT will come, it proves that the dimensions of God and the dimensions of creatures are very different.
Even if we can see Allah in the world with our five senses then we will not be able to see the shape of Allah, because Allah is brighter and more dazzling than any light.
So it can be concluded that seeing Allah SWT is the highest pleasure for inhabitants of jannah (heaven) later. Whereas this world of ours is not a place of happiness, but a place of hardship, sorrow and a place of burden (taklif) or a place of effort. []Fahdina Dean Yustisia
Editor: Maulina Istighfaroh