Is it permissible to play games in Islam?

Playing a game ( - – Playing games is often used as an option to relieve stress after a long day of activities. Besides being able to overcome stress, playing games can even bring money to some people.

Games range from MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) online games like Mobile Legends, League of Legends, and Free Fire to simulator games like The Sims and Sakura School Simulator.

However, despite the benefits, games can also have a negative impact if played too much. Not a few people are addicted to playing games to the point of forgetting time and even deliberately leaving their worship.

Then, how does Islam view this? Does the negative impact make the law of playing games in Islam prohibited and cause sin for the player?

The Law of Playing Games in Islam

Based on the book Tips for Winning Essay Contests for Beginners written by Tengku Hamid Darmawan, in general, the law of playing games in Islam is permissible because there is no specific evidence that prohibits Muslims from doing so. In ushul fiqh, it is explained:

“The basic law of things is that they are permissible until there is evidence that forbids it (dislikes it or forbids it).” (Imam as-Suyuthi, in al-Ashba’ wan Nadhoir: 43)

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Islam does not prohibit its followers from entertaining themselves as long as it does not cause harm. Especially if the game being played brings benefits, such as training quick thinking and analyzing a problem, and improving focus.

In the book Hasyiyah al-Jamal, juz 23 page 268 it is mentioned:

“The game of dice is different from chess, which is makrooh if you do not use money. In fact, chess is based on accurate calculations and correct thinking, and it includes good thinking and lots of strategies. As for dice, it is based on a guess that is full of foolishness.”

This is in accordance with Buya Yahya’s statement in a YouTube video entitled “The Law of Playing Online and Offline Games” which explains, the law of playing games in Islam is allowed as long as it does not contain elements of gambling and pornography.

However, it is different if the game actually has a bad impact on the player. This activity is prohibited and becomes haram if it causes players to neglect their obligations, both obligations to Allah (worship) and to fellow humans.

Although it is allowed, Muslims are not encouraged to play games to the point of addiction. Play naturally only for refreshing and entertainment without forgetting the obligations as a Muslim.

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The Prophet himself set several types of games such as archery, horse riding, and swimming as sunnah for his people. He also once ran a race with his wife, Aisyah r.a. and held a kuca racing match. [] Fahdina Dean Yustisia

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